Birthday Parties
Celebrate your birthday with a Parkour or Ninja Warrior Party! Climb across the obstacle course like in Ninja Warrior or learn some new flips and tricks. Instructor led parties include games, parkour & ninja warrior skill building, open gym, and time for food and cake. Bring your friends and celebrate with us! Please reserve 2 weeks in advance.
Birthday Parties are two hours long and include a fun mix of games, instruction, obstacle courses, and open gym. The first hour is instructor led games, warmup, and obstacle course training. Instructors will have an obstacle course set up on the parkour side and one on the trampoline side. Participants rotate through both courses. The next hour includes time for food, cake, and open gym training time. (only for ages 5+)
$100 per hour
$25 per participant
(10 participant minimum)
$200 Deposit is Non-refundable
Only for ages 5+
More Information
Learn more about Birthday Parties at Nocatee
Learn more about Birthday Parties at Palos Verdes
Learn more about Birthday Parties at South Bay
Members = 10% Off
Book your party within a week of attending a party to recieve $50 off your party!